A blog about a very cool hands-on outdoor education learning experience which happens to be in English!
Weblog English Camp I
2011, 18-24 July
Day 1 – Monday, 18 July
On the first day, at one o´clock we all met in the back of a big gravel-pit.
There we first saw each other. Of course we all were keen on the camp.
So after a little game we started to walk to the “Anton-Karg Haus”.
We all got a clipboard with a peace of paper and a pencil.
With this stuff we answered nine questions about someone who were with us in the camp.
The questions were hidden somewhere on the way to the “Anton Karg Haus”.
On the way we got an ice cream. After about three hours we arrived to the “Anton-Karg Haus”. Then we first settled in to our rooms. There we met in the “Group-Room”.
After food we spoke as group about the “house-rules” and played “Werewolf “, a card game.
-Elias S.
Day 2 – Tuesday, 19.July
We all met at eight o’clock in our group room for breakfast. Afterwards we started with group games. We played a special game for trusting the others named “Treasure Hunt”. The goal from this game was to bring all persons to the other side of the creek, but we weren’t allowed to touch the ground. Our materials were two ropes and a harness.
Then we had lunch and a little break. In this time we played our favourite game “Werewolf”.
After this great break we did a Nature Walk, Nature Activities and some Land Art. We built a big Mandala with eleven pieces. Then we went back to our hut, where everyone looked for his/her own secret place. There we stayed for fifteen minutes. All of us were looking forward to play Capture the Flag. We played three times, it was a lot of fun. After this game we had dinner. Before we went into our rooms, we did a stick fight. At ten o’clock we had to go to bed.
- Sabrina F. and Chiara M.
Day 3 – Wednesday, 20. July
When we got up, we saw that the weather was really bad. So we decided to spend the day inside. After our breakfast at 8 o’clock, we played some cool games and afterwards we met to do a council. Everyone was allowed to talk what he/she wanted and the other had to listen to that person. We mostly talked about English.
Then we did some trusting games. For example we got into pairs and one was guiding his/her blind partner safely through the room.
We also had to walk around and had to do some things in groups, witch Andrea told us. Like that we founded our theatergroups. And so we had to great a short story about the topic camping. But we were only allowed to show it with three frozen pictures and every person had to say one little sentence. So we showed at first only the pictures and then someone from the audience were able to touch one actor and then he/she had to say his own sentence.
After the lunch break we talked about what we should pack in a backpack if we are doing a hiking tour and we learned to read a land card and how to use a compass.
When everybody understood how to do it, we had to draw our secret place.
The next exercise, witch we had done, was free writing. Everyone had to write for 15 minutes what comes into his/her mind. It was really interesting.
The next thing was a role play. The half group got a person, who wanted to get the holidays in the USA. And every person got a partner, who was allowed to help the player to get the holidays.
After a long round werewolf everybody got to his/her room and went sleeping.
-Anna B.
Day 4 – Thursday, 21 July
After breakfast we played Kings, Queens and servants. We got into pairs and one of them was the king/queen and the other the servants. The servants had to do everything what the king/queen said. After some time we changed the roles. Afterwards we went a blind line (we were blind and had to go along a rope through a forest. While one of us went the blind line, the others played some communication games. Then we made a stickfight(we fought with sticks against each other). At midday we ate our lunch and then we had a break in which we were chilling in our rooms. We met again at 2 o`Clock to go to our secret place again. At Saturday there would be a theater and we had to find a stage for it. Afterwards we played capture the flag two times. Then we had to plan a hiking tour, which we should lead. We went this tour on Friday. In the evening we made a night walk, which was really cool and then we went to bed.
David W., feat, Michael E.
Day 5 – Friday, 22 July
On Friday we waked up at 8:15 am and we went to breakfast. Then we packet our backpack and went out to the secretplaces where we stayed for 20 minutes. At 10 o’clock we started to walk to Stripsenjochhütte. On the way up all twenty minutes another person leaded the group. We walked around 1½ hours up there. At the hut we ate some food (for example schnitzel with pommes). After that we went home again and it took us 1 hour. We were very tired, we took a shower and we chilled around. After that we played games and had fun. In the evening we played honey, which is a really funny game. J
Alexander feat. Miguel
Day 6 – Saturday, 23 July – last full day
On Saturday we woke up at 7:30am. We ate breakfast and then we made 2 groups. One group had to go climbing and the other to create personal item and play games. At climbing we learned how to secure. We also learned what we have to do, when we fall into glacial gap. à It is called “brusiken” or self securing. At climbing we climbed a via ferrata. The last thing we did was a flying fox. At 11:30am we were back to eat lunch. Then we had a break till 12:30pm. Then the groups were changed, the climbing group had to go painting and the other group had to go climbing. We had to paint a personal object. But when we painted this the donkeys come and put their nose into the colours. When we finished that, we play some games: billi billi bob, stick fight, get to know a tree,… . After this we had a brake and then we go outside. We played on the bridge a very interesting game called Lavastrom.
Then we played the last round Capiture the Flag. When the game was finished we had dinner.
After the dinner we go to a very special place. We did a closing ceremony.
Then we played a theater in the area around the hut.
In the night we played werewolf.
Thomas and Kilian