- Robert
Hello, I am Felix. I’m sitting on a stone in the river. I can only hear the river. I can feel the sun on my back. The place around me is very nice. I’m writing and drawing.
- Felix
Perfect Creek
-such a beautiful, sunny day
-the creek is one of the best things in this creek. I really love the relaxing sound that is always around. I like the colors and the water – I will show it sometime to my daughter. The creek is running quite fast and the sun makes it shine like stars at last. The stones we in a beautiful grey there’s nothing else to say.
- Alex, Praktikant
The water is beautiful and loud. I saw a wonderful flower near by the river. The sound of nature is great. The river is clear and blue. When you look at it, you feel happy.
- Marc
I’m feeling the sun!
I can hear the water and see a piece of wood swimming along the creek. Fahr away I can hear a (Grille). And the gras, I can feel it at my neck. It’s wonderful…
I can smell it too, it’s “Natur pur”!
I see a flower, a nice flower! I want it! But stop! It’s a living thing and I don’t want to kill something/someone…
I feel something at my arm… It’s a Käfer and I let it be!
I’m hearing a bird on a tree!
And I am thinking about the song “Lemontree” “…I am”
(summen)…..I am singing.
I look around me and see Andi, he is writing something…
He looks around, see me and smiles.
I am singing “Lemon Tree” while I am looking to the air.
Just be happy and love the nature!
- Klara
I like this place because it so still but I have see a zeck. He set on me but I have früh genug kill he. I think I heart rocks from me. I see a stone. he was big and he was the biggest in this area. I lie left of the way. A flie get on my nerves. Right of the way I see a tree he was jung and I think he was dead. Left of me is a stick he is very old I think. I only heart the water. Around of me are many pflanzen. Any stones I give names, the big ones name is Karl. On Karl are moos, and at the site climbing pflanzen hinauf. And this is my place.
- Unknown author
It’s really cool to watch the clouds and hearing the creek. Because of this I paint this picture.
- Lukas
Some days ago I had a dream. In this dream people could fly and animals can speak. The earth was as beautiful as some years ago, but the people had all the Technik that we have. I thought I was there for years but suddenly it made Bang! and the picture began to change. The earth wasn’t a beautiful plant any longer. It was dark and grey, it didn’t give rivers seas or ozeans any longer. The whole planet was very dried and everywhere were Vulkans. I was shocked. Then it goes a second time Bang! and I woke up. Since this dream I thought about the earth, the people, and the “Weltall.” When I thought about this there’s also always the question what’s reality. Is reality something that we can eat, drink, feel and smell? Is only the earth a planet where people live on it? Did it give Aliens? These questions were very difficult and strange… For me is reality something I can feel, smell, or touch. I like it this way and I hope these questions were answered… Sometimes.
- Jucy
Some students couldn't express their thoughts/experiences in words...

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