Many hundred years ago, the green patch on the north side of the Kleine Halt didn’t have a name yet. One day, Olaf, on a holiday wanted to prove that he was a good climber. He went up to the Hinterbärenbad with some friends but from there he decided to go alone – he thought he was the best climber anyway. He went up toward the Kl. Halt and took a break. He went on but on a loose rock, he fell down part of the rock face. He was hanging on the wall, injured, with

broken legs and screamed for help. His friends down in the valley heard him. They were sitting on the veranda having a drink and recognized his voice. With a car they drove toward the mountain and started to climb but their efforts to rescue their friend were in vain. Olaf had fallen down onto the green patch beside the Kl. Halt. When they found him, he was sitting in the green bushes just like in a chair. The people at HBB decided to name that place Totensessel ever after.
- Sophie, 10 years old (transcribed/translated by Rita)
The “Fleischbank”Once upon a time there was a mountain called “Edelweißkogel.” It was very peaceful there and

everybody who lived on the mountain was very happy. but there was one very horrible secret over the village. Because there was one man who was a very rich man. He had lots of cows but he slaughtered them for eating. He had some men which helped him to slaughter the animals and sell them on the market. But the rich man was very greedy and he didn’t pay for the men who where working for him. So the men became angry and they wanted to get their money. So the man had a cruel idea to solve the problem. He threw the men into his bank but inside of the bank was a “eiserne Jungfrau” (iron maiden) and the men died a cruel and horrible death. And the bad rich man sold the ground meat of the men. And this is why the mountain is called Fleischbank!!!! Weeehhhh!
- Elena, Viki, and Emelie
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